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為具正義風骨思想的新聞媒體記者兄姐們打氣!為具正義風骨思想的新聞媒體記者兄姐們打氣!再打氣!為具正義風骨思想,讓社會大眾能能真正永遠肯定的新聞媒體記者兄姐們,打氣!打氣!再打氣!Http:// 建請勿妄自菲薄,應努力以赴,修鍊自我,扮演新聞媒體記者真正被肯定的角色價值!建請部份我素昧平生具正義風骨思想,讓社會大眾能真正永遠肯定的新聞媒體記者兄姐們,樂觀奮鬥,努力以赴,扮演社會演化發展偉大推手的角色,自我拓展視野,充分了解與肯定記者自我角色真正價值,掌握世界大、小社會間真正未來共識願景、脈動與方向,以神來之筆,驅動整體社會價值的產出與演進,這樣的新聞題材取向,是寫之不盡,用之不絕的。爾等當自我修鍊,爐火純青展現功力,『新聞媒體界王雲五』之喻,非你莫屬!共創『台灣美學之島』捷哥Ingchieh農企業產銷組織營運診療站敬提? Soul Reform Economic Period ? is coming!Forecasting on the Future,? Soul Reform Economic Period ? is coming!Http:// 中央廣播電台【寶島全現場】----[勇敢追夢]推動台灣新生態美學之島 再創農業發展新機的夢Http:// 開啟一項新聞學『網上研討會』,籲請踴躍參與討論!Http:// 敬邀優秀媒體人Http:// 隱藏無限【新聞媒體創作題材】之【創意點子元素】的(第三號九陰真經) Http:// 黃穎捷 Huang,YingChieh Executive Yuan agriculture committee TDAISTaiwan ecology education plantation associationChinese productive forces center Agricultural enterprise manage Consultant expertHuang,YingChieh The lecture invites:【The World Integrated Administration Network 】THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION NETWORK ASSOCIATION(WIANA)THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION NETWORK ASSOCIATION world conformity administration network association (WIANA)INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINSTRATION world conformity administration international organization (WIAIO)Agricultural enterprise operator's world2.006/07/1 billion Consultant Huang Yingchieh the anthology mounts [ records cooperates website to place first human spirit target ]Zhuge Liang last excellent plan inspirationDiagnoses and treats the United NationsThe Taiwan people when awakenFairly justly shares the wealth [ world conformity economy ][ War and peace ] are new theoryCreates pushes [ Earth world conformity administration new principle ]On world military and economic problem ponder [ world conformity administration ] trendWhat in the world can the expectation achieve [ greatly hopes scenery enterprise ] is?Appealed universe creates [ in world greatly to hope scenery enterprise ] together.The world conformity economy development tendency province thinksThe appeal altogether invites the global person of integrity [ to break the national boundary transformation world. ]"The military war", "the witch hunt" and "the environment disaster" is the Earth three is big sicknessAppealed the world is not divided the race and the region gentleman of wisdom strings together the linkage to get up!Anticipated [ peace, freedom, are tolerant and humanity world Earth village ] approaches.Starts the world to create [ peace, freedom, is tolerant and humanity world Earth village ] the strategic concept and the motion.I am the Earth person [ global international network media hypothesized will syndicate ] the conquest hypothesized will laborInitiates me is the Earth person, altogether creates "extinguishes the world internationally, the domestic and foreign military forces aggressive war, constructs the Datong new world development system" the new position, will certainly to carry out presents.The forecast future dozens of years, six levels of industries [ mind transformation economical time ] will continue [ esthetics economical time ] to approach.Leisure farm, agricultural enterprise operator's world 2.006/07/1 billion Consultant Huang Yingchieh the anthology mounts [ records cooperates website to place first human spirit target throne ]THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION NETWORK ASSOCIATION world conformity administration network association (WIANA)INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINSTRATION world conformity administration international organization (WIAIO)台灣人民當覺醒診療聯合國 Diagnoses and treats the United Nations諸葛亮最後一道錦囊妙計的靈感※  世界整合行政『台灣美學之島』黃穎捷網路文集目錄地圖※2006/07/10黃穎捷顧問文集登上【台灣新聞記者協會網站排名第一人氣指標】黃穎捷研究發展、作品文集、履歷(一)(至20061208)黃穎捷研究發展、作品文集、履歷(二)(至20061208)黃穎捷研究發展、作品文集、履歷(三)(至20061208)THE WORLD INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION NETWORK ASSOCIATION世界整合行政網絡協會(WIANA)世界整合行政YingChieh台灣美學之島創值農企業診療網站首頁地球環境生態百年內將劇變 Save our sky 呼吁世界人?,都?向其?家政府提出,而世界各?政府,也必需接受的建?。?政府呼吁,接受??建?。 呼籲世界人類,都應向其國家政府提出,而世界各國政府,也必需接受的建議。 ??????? ????????? ? ?????????????, ??????? ??? ???????????. Προσεφυγε να θεσει προ? την κυβερνηση, να αποδεχθει την προταση. 控訴?入???、政府?、??提案?受?入??。 Appellierte an die Regierung zu stellen, den Vorschlag annehmen. A appele a mettre le gouvernement a accepter la proposition. Appello a mettere al governo, accettare la proposta. Beroep in te stellen aan de regering, het voorstel aanvaarden. Hizo un llamamiento a poner al gobierno, aceptar la propuesta. ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ? ????? ????????. ??? ??? ????, ??? ??????, ??? ?????. Recorreu ao mundo dos seres humanos, deve ser posta a governos, aceitar a proposta. Appealed to the world human beings, should be put to the governments , accept the proposal. 以14種語文同步籲世人,向各國政府緊急同步提出以政策處理地球變暖的建議。To 14 major international languages, use of Internet communication, synchronization appeal to the World, emergency simultaneously to Governments proposed, the government policies to deal with the crisis of global warming proposals. To 14 major international language propaganda "The World Integrate Administrative Ism"Appealed to the world human beings, should be put to the governments , accept the proposal. 呼籲世界人類,都應向其國家政府提出,而世界各國政府,也必需接受的建議。Today, the world needs The World Integrate Administrative Organization comprehensive guide global development.Today, the world needs "The World Integrate Administrative Organization"!Today, the world needs "The World Integrate Administrative Organization"!今日世界需要The World Integrate Administrative Organization全面統領全球發展。The characteristics of The World Integrate Administrative ism呼籲世界人類,同步向聯合國,提出有史以來最重要的「聯合國組織變革」建議"The World Integrate Administrative Ism" Today, the world needs "The World Integrate Administrative Organization"!The World Integrate Administrative Ism今日世界需要The World Integrate Administrative Organization全面統領全球發展。




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